If you didn’t yet read the previous post on your Ascension Team, click here to do so! It might answer some questions about who your team is and why you have one.
Why Your Ascension Team Matters
Getting to know my Ascension Team has been one of the most wonderful things I have done. I have learned so much from them, and they have opened me up to a whole new way of existing inside of the world. I’ve also become a lot more comfortable being who I am as I feel the support of these wonderful beings.
Cellular Light
First, it’s a great self-reflective system to see where you are at and where you are going. You can always tune into your spiritual advisors to find out what the most current ideas and beliefs are being integrated and learned. I’ve learned to use my team as a gauge to how much light I am currently carrying in the cellular structure of my body and have been learning how to increase that.
Cycles of the Universe
Second, it’s a great way to understand the cycles of the Universe, the ebb and flow. Many people think that their guides are static beings who are with them forever. We are currently going through a mass awakening process which means that the majority of humans will experience the shift of their guides. The guides only stay the same if there is a particular contract in place for that to occur or the human doesn’t shift their frequency enough to mandate an uplevel of guides.
When I talk about understanding the cycles of the Universe, as you work with your team, you learn to appreciate the moments you have with the current mentor. You learn to grow without attachment. You begin to see the bigger picture at play within the Universal System and how each part interacts with the other parts. You come to realize that there is an entire multi-verse out there with such a variety of beings and ways of existing that you really know nothing at all. You become more humble from when you first began. It’s truly a beautiful existence.
Spiritual Community
Third, is the spiritual community that is created around you. At this time there are many beings who are living in human bodies who feel very alone and like they are missing their tribe and their soul group. When you are consciously working with your Ascension Team you begin to feel that you have found your tribe and your spiritual community. Sure, they might not yet manifest in the physical realms, however, you can feel them walking with you and meet them in the dream time or meditations. Many of my spiritual mentors who were a part of my Ascension Team previously I now work with in other capacities multi-dimensionally.
As one of my good friends says, “I believe you are the only person I know who has more best friends in the multi-verse than on the planet Earth.” Haha! It’s kind of true! I used to feel incredibly lonely until I began to expand myself to include a spiritual community that exist in other realms as well as on the Earth. Over time, the loneliness dissipated and now I find my life full of all sorts of beings, including humans who also seek a similar community.
If you want help connecting with your ascension team I offer two different types of readings to help you connect. You can find out more about them here and here.