Unveiling the Gift


It never ceases to amaze me the things that people say once they realize they are in a safe space.

The other day at work one of my co-workers joined my team on our break. The three of us were chatting away.

In mid-sentence, S paused, “Oh, what word can I use?”

Abruptly he looked to his right, said “Thank you.” and continued talking as if nothing had happened.

But something had happened! The moment he acknowledged the Being next to him, the Being was unveiled. I saw him flash in and out of physicality with a mischievous grin on its face.

I burst into laughter. I wasn’t sure if anyone else saw what happened but I suddenly had huge insight into S and how he writes such beautiful poetry.

Everyone in the conversation stopped talking and stared at me.

I stopped laughing, and asked S if he had seen the Being he was talking to.

S shook his head, “No.” And kept talking about the previous topic.

About forty five minutes later he walked up to me, and said, “You know, I didn’t see what you saw, but I definitely felt the energy there of someone or something. I think its really intriguing. And I haven’t told anyone this before, but that presence is around a lot.”

I nodded, “Yes, you channel some of their work.”

He nodded back, “Yes, I do. I do that, indeed. I know that.”

I’ve had similar conversations with hundreds of people over the years. People of all ages, races, genders who say similar things – “Yes, I do this and I don’t tell people about it.”. One of the gifts I seem to have is noticing what other peoples metaphysical gifts are. It doesn’t always happen but when it has happened, like the above story, its accurate and it gives the gifted a space to talk about their experience.

I am grateful that I can open up the space for these conversations. I often learn a lot through the energy exchange that often happens during these sharings. But it saddens me too.

When will the world make it normal for people to be more than a physical body? When will it become accepted that there are so many things we do not understand, and that just on our planet alone, thousands of things in the various dimensions including intelligent life? When will we stop treating people like they are crazy if they see something we don’t?

When will we stop telling children that the fairies they see aren’t real? When will we stop telling people to shut up when they are right about our inner workings or thoughts? When will we be okay with the fact that we are in a web of interconnected energy? And that energy has woven itself tightly around each of us?

I want to live in a world where my cellular memory and the culture around me doesn’t terrify me to step into my fullness. I want to live in a world where my gifts are respected – not turned into a charlatans game nor monetized beyond need. I want to live in a world where living in the heart is as equally respected as the mind. I want to live in the world where its not only equally respected, but equally as supported.

I want to live in a world where I don’t meet men in their forties who have for their entire lives denied their spirituality. Or where I won’t meet women in such deep pain because they can’t feel their magic any more. Or where my child will have to carefully be on guard every day of their life. Where we respect each other as much as we respect the Earth to whom we do no harm.

Perhaps its all a little bit of a fantasy. I do like my fantasy as many do. But I have visions of this reality. I see it sometimes in my meditations and sometimes I see glimpses of it in this world – when a mother has the chooses deeper love over frustration, when someone honours another so deeply tears emerge, when a stranger stands up for the helpless in a single moment of connection.

Visions come and go though.

I’m not saying that there is no such thing as mental illness. I am not saying that every vision has validity. I am saying that we have lost an ancient and natural connection to the Oversoul and its truths.