Kicking it at the ocean. Over the last few years in my meditation practice I have witnessed a lot of things, especially in Kundalini Yoga, where the days completed have a direct correlation to the effects received. We choose a meditation and do it as ...
Why Shamen are Chosen Not Produced or Created
"A Shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing." ~ Wikipedia Many of us who grow up in t ...
How to Teach Yoga | What They Didn’t Tell Me in Teacher Training | A Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Perspective
Picture Source Maybe you were taught this in your yoga teacher training if you've taken one. Maybe not. I know I wasn't, at least not to the extent that I know now, taught about these three important elements. In our teacher training we were told again ...