The last few weeks have been super busy for me.
I decided to move to a new city – Victoria, BC. I lived here for a couple of years before a couple of years ago and I didn’t realize how much I love it until I arrived near the beginning of September. As soon as I left the mountains behind me I felt so much more spacious and like I could breathe again!
I’ve been soaking up the sunshine on the coast, reconnecting with old friends, started a new job, and am looking at places to live. I think I might splurge on my own bachelor suite seeing how expensive it is to live here! Most rooms are close to what bachelors start at so it just makes sense to me.
And the fact that I actually love living by myself and have never had the opportunity.
I am already collecting information on Kundalini Yoga classes in the area too and am quite excited to start attending them! It seems like a very strong and heart centered.
I also noticed the sense of abundance here! There are so many fruit trees everywhere! I’ve been given plums, kale and apples and they are all so delicious. I even collected apples in my new fancy heels!
My parents have also moved to this same city. It’s the first time we’ve lived in the same city for five or six years which is a pretty massive shift. I’ve seen them more in the last week than in the last two years! They have also been kind and supportive of me and given me a bike! Which is amazing to ride around on.
I’m quite out of shape having not rode in a year but as I’m wheezing up hills out of breath I am so grateful for this opportunity to get back into cardiovasculor shape – something I’ve learned I need to feel good about myself.
Anyways, I just wanted to update you on life. It’s why the blog posts have been inconsistent. I’ve also been working on behind the scenes stuff like arranging interviews, guest posts, and so on. 🙂