The Famous Yogi Bhajan who brought Kundalini Yoga to the West in the form we commonly know it now here as(Canada/USA).
This has to be one of the most famous Yogi Bhajan quotes we have: “Keep up and you’ll be kept up.”
I hear it at what seems every third yoga class I attend, each teacher training weekend, and frequently from my yoga friends. It’s the quote that draws out many responses depending on my mood from eye-rolling to a knowing nod of the head to a dismissive wave of having heard it a million times.
The thing is, is that Yogi B has got a point. If you can, each day, just keep up with your goals, keep up with your yoga, your meditation, then you will be kept up. You will be taken care of. You don’t have to worry – it will simply come to you, what you are creating.
Aquarian Sadhana is based on it. If you do your 2.5 hours of practice in the morning you will find your day is covered by God. There is nothing for you to worry about all.
Everything in life tends to be like that though. If you can do a little each day, doing enough to keep up, you will find yourself being kept up. You will find that you are on your way to your dreams manifesting without you actually and necessarily knowing how or why.
It’s like when you dream of writing a novel. So you decide that you will write an hour each day. That is how you are going to keep up. You discover that you’ve been kept up when a year later, after many nights of finding yourself writing for hours, that you have a full fledged first manuscript of a book to your great delight!
The basic principles apply: where you place your attention, grows. Almost everything that has energy going towards it will grow and give you energy back.
It’s a give-take loop that will carry you forward with ease and grace.
So keep up and you’ll be kept up.
You won’t regret it.
And if you want some help and support meditating every day, join my Kirtan Kriya Facebook group, where several of us are doing 40 or 90 day meditation challenges! Read about Kirtan Kriya here.
What’s one of your major goals this year, and how are you going to keep up so you will be kept up?
Great thoughts on that quote. I enjoyed your article, thanks for sharing!
[…] Keep Up And You’ll Be Kept Up […]