One day a client approached me and asked me if I could guide her to meet her Ascended Masters. Immediately after she asked the question Mary Magdalene appeared with her soft pink energy glowing and told me I could, which I told the client. The client laughed and said she had been calling on Mary for a while now.

“Well, Mary will be present in our session, that’s for sure.”

A week later we sat down for our session. It was partially teaching how to work with the Masters and partially meeting them. There were approximately 8 Masters who met with us including Mary, St. Germain, Archangel Micheal, and Quan Yin. Not all the Masters spoke, but the ones who did speak gave very personal advice on the client’s life and ascension process.

The client left with detailed instructions on invoking the Masters, knowledge on which ones work with her right now, and how to work with the ascension energies particular to her path.

Book your session now!


What clients have said:

“That was exactly what I needed. I know how to work with the Masters who are working with me now. I am so grateful.” – R. 

Have you ever wondered how to work with the Ascended Masters?

Or have you ever wondered which Masters work with you?

Are you wondering if there are any specific practices that would be ideal to do?

In a one on one session we sit down and we meet with the Ascended Masters that are working with you. It’s a place where you can learn to invoke the Masters in your own time and receive personal to you guidance from them.

The sessions are guided by you and the Masters that show up. Any questions you have we will ask and anything the Masters want to share will be translated for you, and you will be left with actual real practices you can do day to day that will help your ascension process be graceful and easy. You will have the knowledge you need to connect on your own time with the Masters.

These sessions are powerful ways of learning about the Ascended Masters and your personal process.

Clients have said these sessions are powerful. They are wonderful. They give clear guidance on their next ascension steps and personal paths.

Book your session now!

Sessions last approximately 1 hour and will be done via Zoom.